Saturday, 10 May 2014

Chokma rom Chikasaw and A Lot of Bull

Chockma!  Is how one says hello in Chikasaw native language. In Chikasaw culture and marriage,  women are the owners of the house and the head of the household.  Sounds good to us!

Chickasaw people danced to welcome us at their cultural centre in Oklahoma.

Chokl'llissa is how one says be quiet in Chikasaw.

Chokl'lissa said Wendy and Craig to Karen after her fourth (and loudest) rendition of "Oklahoma, Where the Wind Comes sweeping down the plains......".  It's a song from the musical  "Oklahoma"  and is best sung at full voice with the car windows open, sweeping down the I35 and I40 through this great state.  A lot of cars gave us a wide berth, so all good really!

But I digress.  Yesterday in Dallas, Texas , Wendy and Karen took part in the Running of the Bulls.  We were strolling around,  when a herd thundered towards us.


Wendy ran for help and knocked at a local house,all was well!

Things we learned today:
People in Oklahoma are very hospitable, especially former cruise pals, Ann & Larry of Oklahoma City who welcomed us to thei beautiful home, provided a magnificent lunch and let us play in the neighbour's car.

Ayali (Chickasaw for goodbye)

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