Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Oh Canada

Is the prettiest place.
There are gardens.....

There are mountains and lakes...

There buildings and totem poles....

They have tourists who pose in front of stuff and can't remember what it was..... 

But best of all, Canada has Heather from Rossland BC and Wendy from Vancouver Island BC who each graciously and kindly hosted two girl travellers in their homes: fed us, gave us beds for our weary heads, showed us around their beautiful communities and showered us with the kind of hospitality for which Canadians are renowned.  You are the best!

And then there are signs........

What we learned:  Canadians are cool! 
What we also learned: Beavertail is delicious!
What we heard: "My beaver is worn through" (referring to the furry slippers).  Seriously, we did.

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