Monday 16 June 2014

I Wish they All Could Be.....

California  Girls....(Beachboys song)

Sung at full voice while driving on the "other"side of the road atop a cliff with a steep drop 100+ metres to the ocean - Today we drove The Big Sur (Coast Drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles)

Miles of winding roads, edge of the cliff just outside the car, just your typical 500 km  Sunday drive.
Just to make the very last drive of our trip more fun, we encountered a dust storm outside LA.

New song - Now the Carnival is Over

 So, we are now back where we started - in Los Angeles

The Thelma and Louise drive across USA & Canada and back again is Over
  • Driven - 10,800 miles (17,000 km) 
  • Challenges faced - Armadillos, mooses, double yellow lines and scary waitress in Chinese Restaurant
  • Avoided - State Troopers (see double yellow lines) and Kardashians
  • Lost - one pair of pyjamas (don't ask) and any preconceptions or misconceptions about the wonderful folk of the USA & Canada
  • Loved - All Of It!

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